文中讨论了激光治疗仪控制系统中显示系统由L ED 七段显示升级为LCD 点阵显示的思路方法,提出了一种简便实用的升级改造方案,并且在一种激光治疗仪的升级中获得成功的应用。最后,又根据实例提出了设计L ED 七段显示与LCD 点阵显示兼容的控制电路的原则。
The display subsystem of laser therapeutic apparatus faced to be updated from L ED display to LCD lattice display nowadays. The article gives a technique for the update that is simple and convenient and a successful example for a model of laser therapeutic apparatus is introduced. At last the author concludes some points for designing the system that is compatible for both the L ED display and LCD lattice display parts.