Fast and efficient mean filter algorithm is proposed to overcome the drawbacks of some classic algorithms. For the suspected noise pixel,the algorithm firstly create a set composed of signal pixels selected from the borders of 3 × 3 filtering window,then noise is removed by means of mean filtering if the set composed of signal pixels is not empty; else the image is restored based on the method mentioned above by enlarging filtering window until the set composed of signal pixels is not empty. The experimental results show that this algorithm has excellent filtering performance for all noise ratios from 1% to 99%,besides,the algorithm can preserve the details of the image very well and the computation time is very short,it is useful in practical application.
何海明,齐冬莲,张国月,张建良.快速高效去除图像椒盐噪声的均值滤波算法[J].激光与红外,2014,44(4):469~472 HE Hai-ming, QI Dong-lian, ZHANG Guo-yue, ZHANG Jian-liang. Fast and efficient mean filtering algorithm for removing the salt and pepper noise[J]. LASER & INFRARED,2014,44(4):469~472